This page basically consists of 2 parts, a gallery that
shows you shots by various photographers organised in country albums
and a Photolog where you find some photos that
our Weblog authors considered to be among their best pictures. Why not combine the two? Both have their special strengths and weaknesses
(admittedly), partly a matter of taste. The photos at the photolog usually are 800 pixles on their longer side - too much for a small screen. On the other hand, the resizing in the gallery comes at a prize. It's done automatically and may somewhat reduce the overall image quality. One of the special features of the gallery is the automatic slideshow, while in the photolog it is possible to assign the same photo to several categories. So, why not just have a look at both? Please also do not forget to check out the homepages of the individual photographers if you liked their pictures. |
Impressum | Gallery | Photolog